April 12th through the 18th is National Volunteer Appreciation Week. We would just like to thank everyone out there who selflessly volunteers their time and efforts to, ultimately, help make this world a better place in whatever way that might be. In honor of this week, we brought baskets filled with treats to the Camarillo and Simi Valley animal shelters to honor their incredible volunteers. Ventura County Animal Services (VCAS) provides a very important service to this community and couldn’t do so without their incredible staff and volunteers.
We would also like to acknowledge a very special woman, Ramona. When she is not working 40+ hours at her paying job each week, she is spending a handful of hours every other day as a volunteer at the animal shelter. She also attends a women’s group and teaches Sunday school at her church. When you meet her, you can instantly tell what an incredibly kind and caring person she is. Great job Ramona! You and everyone like you deserves to be acknowledged and thanked.