The human animal bond has many mutual benefits. When you walk your dog you are improving the lives of both you and your pet. The National Institutes of Health found that dog owners who walk their dogs are significantly more likely to meet physical activity guidelines and are less likely to be obese than non-dog owners or walkers. By providing motivation and social support, pets make it easier for owners to adopt long term behavior changes that lead to weight loss and other positive health outcomes. For dogs, daily enrichment is crucial for behavioral well being. Regular exercise can also help them lead longer, higher-quality lives. So consider picking up those leashes a few more times in January in honor of you and your pets health and Walk Your Dog Month.
Are you aware of all of the benefits of the human animal bond? Scientifically documented benefits of pet ownership include lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides, and improved immunity for children with allergies. Pet ownership has also been found to benefit those with cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, autism spectrum disorders, depression, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To learn more about the scientific benefits of pet ownership, click here to visit the Human Animal Bond Research Initiative’s website.